Method for rearing Cladomorphus phyllinus Gray, 1835 (Phasmatodea: Phasmatidae) under laboratory conditions




stick bug, rearing method, guava


Cladomorphus phyllinus Gray, 1835 (Phasmatodea: Phasmatidae) is a species of stick bug native to Brazil and considered one of the largest in the southern hemisphere. The rearing method described uses rectangular cages for the maintenance of nymph and adult insects, with feeding carried out with guava leaves. This methodology promotes the multiplication of insects, which have been used for educational purposes.



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How to Cite

Truzi, C. C., Vieira, N. F., Souza, J. M. de, Ferracini, B., & De Bortoli, S. A. (2020). Method for rearing Cladomorphus phyllinus Gray, 1835 (Phasmatodea: Phasmatidae) under laboratory conditions. Entomological Communications, 2, ec02033.



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