Método potencial para otimização de captura e manejo de abelhas nativas sem ferrão (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini) em iscas atrativas





Attractive bait, Innovation, Meliponiculture


Currently, pollinators are suffering an accelerated decline in their biodiversity due to factors such as pesticides, habitat loss, climate change and competition between exotic species. Bees are among the most important agents of pollination and those of the Meliponini tribe have been gaining prominence due to the spread of rational breeding practices. These practices can positively contribute to recreational, educational and commercial exploitation of the products produced. Despite widespread practices, and the various existing initiatives to regulate the creation and quality of honey, little has been proposed to improve techniques for obtaining colonies. In order to examine the potential use of an optimized technique for handling the removal of nests captured on attractive baits, a sheet of parchment paper was included as a coating inside two baits, in order to verify if this process does not interfere in obtaining the colony. and would facilitate its removal without damaging internal structures, improving handling. In the two attempts carried out, there was success in capturing swarms of the Jataí species (Tetragonisca angustula Latreille, 1811; Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini) between three and five days after the installation of the bait. After the establishment of the swarm, the potential for the use of tracing paper was observed, which not only facilitated the handling and avoided the stress of the bees during the transfer but was even used for the construction of the nest by the bees of this species.


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How to Cite

Aranda, R., Benetti, C., & Oliveira , V. T. N. de. (2022). Método potencial para otimização de captura e manejo de abelhas nativas sem ferrão (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Meliponini) em iscas atrativas. Entomological Communications, 4, ec04021. https://doi.org/10.37486/2675-1305.ec04021



Protocol & Techniques
